Methods To Help Your Young Child Feel Better About Wearing Their New Glasses

If your young child was recently prescribed to wear eyeglasses and they feel self-conscious when they put them on, the following tips may assist with boosting their confidence. As a result, your child will feel more optimistic while wearing their new glasses and you will be reassured by knowing that your child can clearly see each day.

Purchase New Clothing Or Accessories

Take your child shopping to purchase a new outfit or some accessories that complement their glasses. Encourage them to try on several, different items and look in a mirror to view their appearance. Give your child compliments and describe how each item that they have selected enhances their new eye wear. After the shopping trip, your child may feel self-assured as they wear their purchases with their new glasses and show others their new look.

Wear A Pair Of Non-Prescription Or Prescription Glasses

If you do not already wear glasses, purchase a pair of frames that have non-prescription lenses in them and wear them daily so that your child does not feel secluded when they are wearing their glasses. If you have been prescribed to wear glasses, wear them on a regular basis.

Your child will grow used to seeing you wear your glasses and will observe that others treat you the same as they did before you began wearing them. Your child may feel more at ease when they put their glasses on before going out in public as a result because they will not feel as if they look different than everyone else.

Reward Your Child For Their Efforts

Discuss the importance of seeing clearly with your child and praise them whenever they put their glasses on without being prompted to. Give your child the chance to participate in an activity that they enjoy, such as going to a theater to watch a new movie or to one of their favorite restaurants for a special meal after they wear their glasses on a regular basis for a week or two. Explain this incentive shortly after you purchase the new glasses for your child so that they will be motivated to strive towards the goal.

After practicing each of these tips, your child may grow accustomed to wearing their new glasses and may not feel as self-conscious about wearing them as they did when they first were first purchased. Soon, putting on the glasses will feel normal to your child and they will not become discouraged while they are wearing them.

For more information about your child's prescription glasses, talk to an eye doctor like those at Focus West Optometry.
