Be Kind To Your Eyes: 4 Ways To Protect Your Vision

When it comes to your eyes, you're never too old to strengthen your vision. In fact, if you're nearing middle-age, this is the perfect time to start working on your vision. You see, as you age, your vision begins to deteriorate, especially if you don't take steps to protect it. Here are four easy steps you can take to protect your vision.

Exercise Your Eyes

When you think of exercise, you probably don't think about your eyes. That's because most people don't equate exercise with vision. Unfortunately, if you're not exercising your eyes, you're missing out on a chance to improve your vision. It doesn't take much to give your eyes a thorough workout. In fact, you can exercise your eyes wherever you are.

One way to exercise your eyes is to use them to write invisible words. While looking straight ahead, write a word in the air using just your eyes. Another way is to map the time on a clock with your eyes. Focus on the center of the clock and then move your eyes to the first number. Focus on that number for a second or two and then return your focus to the center of the clock. Repeat the process until you've mapped each number on the clock.

Limit Screen Time

You've probably heard that children should limit their screen time. However, it's also a good idea for adults to limit screen time, as well. Too much time spent staring at phones, computer screens, and televisions can weaken your eyes and ruin your vision. To protect your vision, try limiting the amount of time you spend looking at electronic screens. If your job requires you to look at a computer screen all day, close your eyes for a few minutes each hour.

Keep Yourself Hydrated

If you're not staying hydrated during the day, your eyes are going to pay the price. Your eyes need water as much as the rest of your body does. In fact, your eyes may need even more hydration to stay healthy. The best way to ensure that your eyes are staying hydrated is to keep a bottle of water with you throughout the day.

Schedule Vision Exams

When it comes to protecting your vision, you can't afford to overlook your vision exams. In most cases, you should be seeing your optometrist about once every two years. During those exams, your optometrist will track subtle changes in your vision. Early detection of vision changes will ensure that you get the treatment you need to keep your eyes healthy.
