Why See An Opthalmologist?

When it comes to eye care, you have a range of healthcare practitioners to choose from. Ophthalmologists are highly trained doctors who specialize in eye care. They are equipped to treat numerous conditions and even perform surgery, if necessary. Here are four reasons to seek care from an ophthalmologist:

1. You need an eye exam.

Adults and children who wear glasses or contacts should have their eyes checked once a year. People who do not require corrective lenses can wait two to three years between eye doctor appointments. However, everyone will require a basic eye exam at some point.

Ophthalmologists can offer eye exams to people of all ages. An eye exam will include diagnostic tests to screen for signs of glaucoma, cataracts, and other eye diseases that can damage your vision. It will also include a vision test that will allow an ophthalmologist to write you an accurate prescription for corrective lenses.

2. You develop an eye infection.

Eye infections are fairly common. They occur when a virus, fungus, or bacteria grows in your eye. Unusual discharge, burning, itching, redness, and blurred vision can all signify an eye infection. If you contract an infection, you should make an immediate appointment with an ophthalmologist. Your ophthalmologist can test a sample of fluid from your eye to determine the appropriate treatment for your eye infection. Prescription topical medication can clear up most eye infections.

3. You require surgical treatment for an optical health condition.

Some eye conditions can only be treated through surgery. Cataracts, for instance, occur when the cornea grows cloudy over time. Mild cataracts may not pose much of an issue, but the advanced stages of this condition can severely diminish your vision. Surgery is the only cure for cataracts. During cataract surgery, an ophthalmologist will remove the damaged, cloudy portion of your eye. Your surgeon will implant an artificial lens that will allow you to see clearly once more.

4. You would like corrective laser eye surgery.

Some people choose elective surgery to correct imperfect vision. If you currently use corrective lenses, but you'd like a more permanent solution, laser eye surgery can perfect your vision. During laser eye surgery, an incision is made in the surface of your cornea. The flap created is then peeled back so the underlying corneal tissue can be reshaped using a precise laser. Laser eye surgery can grant you 20/20 vision. Best of all, an ophthalmologist can perform this procedure on an outpatient basis.

If you are looking for a specialist in ophthalmology, contact a few in your area and schedule an appointment as soon as possible. 
